Multi-Ha-Bot for 1 Account
$ 15.99
15.99$ - 1 Account - Subscription for 3 months
31.99$ - 5 Account - Subscription for 3 months
51.99$ - 10 Account - Subscription for 3 months
71.99$ - 20 Account - Subscription for 3 months
91.99$ - 40 Account - Subscription for 3 months
5 hero strong boxes for 24 hour
15-20 zaishen keys for 24 hour
200-250 fame for 24 hour
Included: Control panel
The program checks HA bot and Guild Wars client is working.
If gw client crashed then restart GW and HA bot. The program can monitor account.
No feedback
The publication of the review is made after the preliminary moderation.